Explore Our Waters Via Ferry
Enjoying Long Island's nautical side is always a highlight for visitors and residents. Taking a ferry is a charming way to see Fire Island, Shelter Island, and other seaside communities. Many of the areas are car-free and iconic wagons and bikes are the delightful primary transportation.
Some communities offer shops and restaurants perfect for a day trip. Accommodations are also available, including weekly vacation rentals, boutique hotels, and even camping at Fire Island National Seashore are accessible by ferry or private boats, but all enjoy a car free lifestyle, using bikes and wagons as the primary means of transportation.
Keep in mind that Ferry schedules change seasonally, and based on weather. Please check the listing of companies, for additional information.
Cross Sound Ferry (New London to Orient Point)
Bridgeport Port Jefferson Ferry
North Ferry (Connecting Shelter Island with Greenport and the North Fork)
South Ferry (Connecting Shelter Island, NY to North Haven, NY)
Davis Park Ferry (From Patchogue Ferry Terminal to Davis Park & Watch Hill on Fire Island)